Jasper's Archives
1) My experiments have moved to jaspergregory.tumblr.com. Tumblr lets me share my life more authentically than WordPress does, and it is a hotbed of graphic design exploration. It is a new evolution of digital publishing.
2) My 2008-2009 blog is at jasperswardrobe.wordpress.com. It marks my coming out as gender variant via the Flickr Wardrobe_Remix social network, and my initial explorations of San Francisco's Queer and Transgender Subcultures.
3) My Audio Visual work from the second half of 2009 is presented at emansipashun.jasperswardrobe.com
4) My Hypertext Ethnography Experiment from early 2009 can be viewed at www.jasperswardrobe.com/queerpedia/published/HomePage
Saturday, March 6, 2010
How To Find My Internet Projects | Glam Femme Boy @ Valencia and 16th in San Francisco
Friday, March 5, 2010
Bio Boy Fashionista on Haight Street
I like this understated outfit. It ignores Contemporary Codes Of Masculinity, and chooses a dandified look from the past.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I Went To Biodanza Dance Tonight. It Is Life-Positive, Sexuality-Positive Dance Container
What is Biodanza?
Biodanza, which means Dance of Life, is a system that integrates music, movement and authentic interactions to provide experiences of intense perception of being alive in the here-and-now. These experiences are known as "vivencias", coined from the Spanish root: vivir (to live).
Hegemonic Beauty Ideals
This photo is Transgressive of Hegemonic Beauty Ideals. It feels subversive and taboo despite being a rather tame nude. This Is because the fat body has been made a fetish, and desire for an ulta feminine fat body has been pathologized. When did our ancestors ban the cult of the Fertility Goddess?
This photo shows how interesting Tumblr is as a bottom up media publishing network. This stuff is fresh.
A Plea To Trancend Queer, Transgender, Feminist, Genderqueer, Person of Color Or a Nation Of Any Kind
Rape centric feminism = The Work OF Andrea Dworkin and other Radical Feminists who view all relations between Bio-Boys And Bio-Girls through the lens. Unfortunately many Transsexual Male-To_Female Feminists have chosen to built on these foundations of Neo-Puritanism.